This was such a quick pattern to sew up. It is Simplicity 3835 a Built by Wendy pattern. I didn't realise till last week that this pattern has its own flickr group.
I planned to make the dress from the 3835 pattern using my Amy Butler fabric that has been stashed away but first made the top from this Charity shop fabric. I was not sure when sewing it if I would like the end product but I really do now. Unfortunately it is too cold to wear it today, but I plan to wear it as soon as the weather warms up. It seems winter is having one last (I hope) try here today.
There is an identical piece of this fabric up for grabs this week on Zoe's fabric swap. I was lucky enough to be the chosen swapee (is there such a word?) for this week.

You see there were two pieces in the charity shop and I have used one and offered the other on the fabric swap , they were hemmed and I am not sure if they were supposed to be curtains or sheets, but I like the new lease of life this piece has as a top.