It is hard to photo your own eye in close up. |
Recently, I have been experiencing a disturbing phenomenom. Here's an example. Our local library is accessed by a lift or stairs. In the lift is a large mirror. I get in the lift and see a harried, middle aged woman staring at me, huge under eye bags, birds nest hair in a straggly ponytail, wearing some rag bag collection of clothes topped off by a sensible waterproof jacket and a harassed expression. "Oh crap" I think with a sinking sense of dread, "Is that really me?" It seems that only five minutes ago I was twenty, an art student, skinny and young. Do I want to go back in time? Well, not really. Some things have improved with age....I like myself more, I think I have gained some acceptance of who I am. I hope I am better dressed, certainly I am less paint spattered. I am definitely a better listener and more considerate of others. I can speak up for myself. I think I am less self-centred. (Don't laugh, I realise the irony of that sentence in a post with many "I"s in it) I definitely have better boots and scarves. I can manage my time and energy better.
Last week I went out to eat in an Italian cafe with my family. There were lots of mirrors. I had thought I looked okay...a bit of concealer, mascara and lippy, I even remembered to use a hairbrush. Then I glimpsed
her again in one of the many mirrors...that crazy-haired washed out complexion woman. I also realised my default expression is "worried". Even if I am not worried, I look as if I am! Maybe I need to try grinning like a maniac to counter the worried expression. I have always been irritated by people saying "Don't look so worried" "I am not worried" I want to shout - "that's just my face!"
Does anyone else avoid mirrors in cafes?
What am I going to do? Should I stop caring?
Still hard to photograph my own eye |
I have always been plagued by having dark pigment round my eyes, at school I would get told off for wearing eye make up when none was there. Now I have dark lids and big big under eye shadows. I hate them. They are naturally part of me though. They are exacerbated by the relentless early morning schedule of Little I and Rocket Girl. I don't know if there is any wonder cream out there.
Even before children a saleswoman told me that my eye circles were too dark for YSL's touche eclat. So what do I do? How do I convince myself to love my dark eyes? Any recommendations?
I have managed one step - I went and my hair cut and my fringe put back in so I can banish the straggly ponytail look. I think the fringe is a thinking woman's alternative to botox. Seriously. It hides those frown lines so well.
Just to round up this vanity-related post, a work in progress glimpse to prove not all is doom and peering in mirrors here. I have veered right off course from my planned Autumn sewing. Blame it on finding this needlecord in the charity shop, only £2.50 and enough for a skirt for me and a skirt for Little I. Yes people, it's mix n' match mother daughter dressing - the sort of thing my twenty year old self would have scoffed at!