So, I wasn't going to set myself any big resolutions or sewing plans but once I jotted down my UFOs and planned makes I already have quite a list. My over-riding aim is to try and be more
thorough and calm in my approach to sewing, to think about fit and fabric quality and not to rush into projects. To this end I have started sewing my Renfrew but first I bought the right colour thread. Then I took the time to find the appropriate jersey needle for my machine. I have been stopping to press the pieces when directed. All tiny things but the kind of steps I will often skip over in haste and regret afterwards.
In my fantasy-sewing land, (please imagine a Bach-type soothing soundtrack here) you know the one with no small (or large) children, oodles of peaceful spare time and copious space plus endless funds, I would like to sew some more tailored garments, I would love to tackle a jacket and know just which patterns and fabrics I would use. I would like to make a well fitting dress, try out lots of indie pattern makers, draft my own patterns using
Cal Patch's book....but (insert squeal of brakes here) let's get back to reality (cut out that calm Bach music), I am going to:
- complete my first renfrew top
- finish my Simplicity traveller dress (only buttonholes and buttons to go)
- sew a tova - blouse or dress? What a decision....maybe one of each?
- sew Vogue 2147 totally copying Solvi and Scruffybadger - the skirt in some thrifted green cord or possibly some inherited tweed - (urgh, more decisions)
- sew Rocket Girl some "quick change" trousers from the Anna Maria Horner book Handmade Beginnings - using stash fabric
- sew Little I a tutu from Liesel Gibson's book, Little Things - fabric bought three months ago
- Sew a wearable muslin Crepe dress
- Sew a "proper" Crepe dress
Full length trousers from Simple Modern Sewing book |
Tova pattern pieces printed from pdf |
- Blue linen-look trousers or shorts (yes, another decision needed here) ....I have the fabric and I am thinking of using Simple Modern Sewing for the pattern
- Sew a Vogue 2147 top - no fabric for this yet....
- Sew my girls summer dresses from some marimekko-like fabric rescued from my mum's stash
Phew, that's quite enough to be going on with. Let the fun begin.....