“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
Abraham Lincoln
Some sewing projects require more preparation than others. I am going to try and share my process of making the Sew Liberated Skinny jeans. The pattern itself seems simple enough and I think I will be spending more effort on the preparation than on the actual sewing. Hmm...let's see, shall we? So far, I have been getting my grubby mitts on the material and notions.
1. Twin needles
The pattern calls for twin needles. I have to admit that until a couple of years ago I just thought people sewed two extremely neat parallel rows of stitches and I was in awe of their skills. Stupid me! It's a twin needle. Twin needles have been on my vague to-try list since this discovery and I am happy that the skinny jeans pattern has pushed me to actually buy one and try it out. I bought mine from
Jaycotts. At first I was puzzled...how did I thread two threads? Thanks to the onders of the internet, I found a tutorial that I liked
here . Now I am waiting for half term holidays to end and for a peaceful day when I can try out the twin needles. I have read that you may have to play around with the thread tension before getting it right. Any twin needle advice?

2. Stretch denim
Buying the denim was a frustrating process all of its own. I am picky about denim. I saw some lovely cross hatch denim at
Stone Fabrics but I prevaricated too long. When I rang to order it, I found it was sold out. I nearly bought some lovely denim on ebay, but my paypal stopped working. I rang a local-ish fabric shop as I didn't want a wasted journey...their denim wasn't labelled stretch and they couldn't tell me if it was or not. I went in the end for this dark blue denim from
Fabricland. I was sorely tempted by their scarlet stretch denim and their apple green. Maybe if the pattern works I will try again in red denim. I have washed the denim and it's waiting to be ironed.
3. Stretch fabric
Oh, I am stumped now. I need a heavy/medium weight stretch fabric for the waistband. I have no such in my stash....do you think a charity shop sweatshirt would do? Or a charity shop tracksuit - if I hack off the waistband and re-use it?
4. Sizing.
I think I have the right size now....I am worried about getting the size wrong. I have been measuring and reading the size chart.
That's it so far. Any advice?