Sooooooo, summer interrupted my sewing process quite rudely and very thoroughly:
I have sewn one and half things.
I haven't had much time for commenting on blogs, I hope to catch up soon.
A large part of my fabric stash was unceremoniously stuffed in a binbag and shoved under the stairs to make room for the kids to have friends over to play. It is still there.
I think I have lost my blogging direction..who knows... maybe it will return.
My sewing machine is not working well. (See below)
I am thinking about what to make in the autumn.
I realise that I have a zero budget for autumn sewing.
I am rethinking what to make in the autumn from my existing stash.
I am determined I will finally sew with the wool crepe bought three years ago that I have been too scared to use.
My sewing machine has been temperamental this summer. I took the time to oil and clean it a few weeks ago and all went smoothly for a week or so. Then it began snarling bobbin threads again. I know I have to drive past the sewing machine shop later this week so I guess I will take it in for a service. I hate having to do that. But I realise I have had this machine for two and half years now, it has sewn A LOT for me and hasn't been serviced. How about you? Do you wait till your machine is throwing out knots and jamming before booking it in? Or do you do all your own machine maintenance?