I wrote this post and inserted pictures, labelled them, and then accidentally deleted the lot last night! Needless to say, I went to bed in a very bad mood. So I am beginning all over again.
Day 1 Portfolio dress |
I wasn't sure whether to take part in Me Made May. I participated each time and always enjoyed myself, loving the comunity and I have met some blogger friends through Zoe's me-made months. But recently life has thrown a few wobblers my way and I am very very tired. And ver very low on free time. So I have done my own Minnado thing:
Day 3 - April Rhodes Staple Dress |
Day 4 - Simplicity/ Sew Lisette Portfolio top and Sew Liberated Skinny jeans |
I decided to do weekly round up posts and see how my month of photos looks at the end.
Eagle eyed readers will notice no Day 2 picture. I just didn't get to take one. But promise I wore my grey lola dress.
Day 6 - Simplicity 3835 top and Sew liberated jeans |
So far, I have realised: May in the UK can mean many different weathers.
And taking a photo a day highlights the varying levels of energy and mood swings!
Day 7 - Amy Butler Anna tunic. I have worn this for four years now and never saw how unflattering it is till now :)