4th May outfit Clothkits car print skirt, brrrmm, brrrrmmmm - it was sunny but cold so I am having to think how to wear my skirts without freezing. Look at me - doing my housewifely duties!

5th May outfit - me-made t shirt with ruffle trim. My first t shirt attempt. It now boasts chocolate icing stains and paint stains so I am considering applique to cover these or dyeing it a darker colour. I thought the stains were very faint till I glanced in the mirror in the M& S toilets ( very exciting life I lead) and saw them,
Here is 6th May outfit. Amy Butler tunic in grey with added pockets - it's cold here so I am wearing it with leggings, long sleeve t shirt and cardigan. I really like it but think it's a tad too short - am going to try and let down the hem after today.
An unexpected benefit of this challenge is it is making me get out of my "jeans with everything" rut. It's very easy for me to just wear jeans especially with a little kid to chase after. I am starting to feel more like my old self which is odd as I hadn't realised how far I had travelled away from that person. Check out the Flickr Me-Made group - there are some amazing creative people out there - it's great fun to see what they have come up with and inspiring too!
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