Friday, 17 May 2013

Recently, and Me made May days 11 - 17

Recently, we seem to have had a lot of minor  illnesses here. Two days ago , I dropped my camera one time too many and it's no longer working. 
So I will tell you that:
17th May Simplicity 3835 in spotty Amy Butler fabric
 16th May I was in me made stripey tee and V1247 green skirt.  
15th May was purple renfrew and denim tate skirt.   
13th May was a repeat of my spotty staple dress. 

11th May BBW/Simplicity 3835 top - this just turned out to be a crappy day and terrible picture!

14th May A line dress from BBW Dresses book
Little RG has been doing some crazy teething, plus had a cold,  and I could hardly put her down for a few days without lots of screaming.  I have almost lost my voice this week due to a cough.  I have done no sewing for a week or more. 
12th May Amy Butler Anna tunic with added patch pockets, unseen, underneath is a pink and white BBW Home Stretch tee.

Good news though - thanks to a certain supermarket chain voucher trade in I have ordered a new camera at the cost of only £9!  I await getting it in my sweaty little hands this weekend.  And I will not drop it I hope.  Plus it was recently my birthday and I was given £20 by my sister in law so I almost immediately bought the Sew Liberated skinny jean pattern....waiting for it to arrive before I buy any fabric.  Yay.  


  1. Sounds like a horrible week, but hope you managed some birthday celebrating, and yay to getting a new camera and pattern. Please please post it if you make it, it's on my "should I buy it?" list! Hope you are all in good health soon x

  2. Aaaaah ... what a week! Yikes, but I hope things look up over the weekend. So glad you've got a new camera on the way, and a belated happy birthday to you! Yeay for nabbing a pattern that you've had your eye on :-).

  3. Awww, boo for both being sick with a sick child and breaking the camera! Some weeks are just good when they're over... But yay for the new camera and new patterns and happy belated birthday! Hope Rocket Girl and you are feeling better soon. :)
    Love the grocery store picture!

  4. Yes Happy Belated birthday greetings to you...enjoy your pattern and new camera!!!x

  5. Happy Birthday too and I'm sorry to hear about the camera and the yuckies! You're going strong in MMM though!

  6. Hello! Sorry to hear about the illness and camera woes. You look like your storming through MMM tho. I'm the very scarce blogger you've been twinned with for the Kestral's Spring sewing swop! Can you email me at katyvsinclair at gmail? Cheers Kx

  7. Yikes, what a crummy week! Sorry to hear that! Hope RG feels better soon. But I hope you had a nice birthday, at least!
