I made a dress from fabric in my stash but it has all gone a bit wrong. Do you want to see some not so great photos of it? The photos of me in it are so awful I cannot bring myself to post them. I used the shift pattern from Sew U dresses. The black fabric is some cotton with a bit of stretch in it. The stripey fabric is cotton that was orinally white with a mint green stripe but I dyed it a few months ago. I cut out the shift dress and then made the yoke and facing from the pattern.
I really, really wanted this dress to work but this may be a case of what I had in my head not quite matching up in reality. Here are thoughts on it so far....
1. I tried to get the pockets sewn on evenly but I think they are not. The stripey fabric just emphasises little errors like this.
2. It is kind of like a huge black sack.
3. If I had a waist I could try a belt
4. I think I should live in a spooky gothic mansion to wear this dress
5. In the sideways view you can see the shapelessness issue AND you can see how the fabric is very prone to creasing
6. The fabric also attracts dust and lint
7. If I lived in a dark spooky gothic mansion the creasing and dustiness would not be visible
8. I could wear this dress for Halloween
9. Damn, I wanted an everyday dress not a costume
10. I think I should remake this dress in cotton jersey
The other annoying thing is my sewing machine is not working properly - I sat down yesterday with two free hours (a miracle for me) and a pile of Christmas sewing, nice and simple. Something is wrong with the bobbin mechanism, and the needle keeps coming unthreaded - is this a tension problem? Any advice? My machine is a thirty five year old Elna. I get it serviced annually but I am beginning to feel fed up with the rattling, the bits falling off, and am thinking maybe I should stop making things harder for myself and buy a newer machine. Mr Minnado has offered to buy me a newer one for Christmas (can I wait that long?) - does anyone have any advice or recommendations? Any advice about my black-sack-gothic-dusty-dress too?