Over on Flickr some made-by-me group members have been carrying out inventories of their home made wardrobes in preparation for May. When I looked at my me-made clothes I saw a big gap for neutrals. I think this is a kind of move on into another stage, instead of just individual items I am trying to make a coherent wardrobe of clothes so that I can put together outfits that I have made myself. I know it is easy to pop to the shops and buy cheap t shirts to wear but at the start of this year I decided not to buy anymore new clothes from shops. I wanted to move away from unthinking consumerism and consumption. I was also wanting to wear clothes that fit me more comfortably. I have found it quite liberating to walk through shops or past shop windows and look but not buying - instead I notice bits I like and think about how things are made, whether they would better in a different colour or fabric. I am currently reading "Eco chic" by Matilda Lee and it's an eye opening read.

Here is my white t shirt when I first made it -my first attempt at sewing stretch fabric and what can I say? Oh, yeah, it was HUGE! I laid an old favourite shirt on it and from this was able to take it in an inch all round and it fits much better.
And below is what I have just finished this morning, another top from 3835 - I didn't plan to make another but I found a duvet in the charity shop last weekend and used it to make this top. I really like asymmetry and have been wanting to make an asymmetrically printed top or dress for ages. This fabric is embroidered with circles. I wasn't sure how it would turn out but I really like it - I haven't worn it out yet. Not sure if I will hear shrieks of "OMG, that strange woman is wearing a duvet cover!"

I will report back.....watch this space.....

I hav eto go now and finish this little bag I am sewing for my friend's daughter's birthday tommorrow. It is edged with some of my vintage lace stash which came from my Grandpa's wedding dress business.
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