For my friend's birthday I made this bag. I looked at a bag that I use a lot and vaguely copied it - I say vaguely because I didn't bother with a pattern - I liked the fact that my original bag had the top band and was slightly gathered to fit the band. I used an A4 pad as a size guide as my friend had said she wanted something she can put a couple of A4 books in. The denim fabric is what was left over after making my denim skirt, which I still haven't finished - but I am almost there - just the waistband facing and hem left to do....I can blame my friend for needing a birthday present as the reason for not having finished that skirt. I like to blame others for my own shortcomings.
It is lined with red and white polka dot cotton - I bought 2 metres of this on Ebay and it has been great for linings and edgings. I just managed to squeeze out enough fabric to make the strap. The button was one from my button hoard - I like this button as it reminds me of blue patterned china and the ribbon loop was part of my haul in
Zoe's fabric swap a few months ago.
I love this bag. Hope you are having a great week. xx