I have been meaning to write this post for a couple of weeks.
Magpie Mimi and I have been chatting about supporting each other with branching out into selling stuff that we have made. Any one else who is interested in joining in please leave a comment here or over at Mimi's blog.
Look I even made my first ever teeney weeney blog button to go along with this project! That was a learning curve in itself.

I am hoping that by doing a regular post on this I can push myself to make progress and not just give up. I am not setting out to tell people how to sell or how to set prices (there are lots of resources out there already for this) but sharing experiences as I go along, and hopefully we can also read Mimi's experiences too and any others who want to join in.
So, when I say selling "stuff" that is quite vague. Well, I have a box of bags that I cut out three months ago to stitch up. I love making bags, I love planning the construction and working out how to make different versions of them. Most of my bags are from re-used fabrics and some are for kids, some for adults. I have been making bags on and off since I was a teenager.
A long time ago I did a a painting degree, and I have sold paintings, prints, cards and brooches that I have made in the past, but not for a long time and being a procrastinator I have been thinking about and planning this for a long time. A by-product for me of having an artschool education is that I am imagining the crit before I have even made the objects.
To give myself the momentum and to stop me from procrastinating into oblivion I have decided to post about my progress and experience in this new venture once a month, right at the start each month. If anyone else wants to join in and share experiences, please do...come on...you know you want to. Mimi and I did discuss starting a blog just for this purpose but we have decided for the time being to stick to each of us writing about it on our own blogs.
This is my step plan for February:
1. Get my new sewing machine (thanks to my Christmas presents from family and Mr Minnado I have scrabbled up enough money for a new-to-me sewing machine) - done it today!! More news to follow
2. Get out the box of half made bags and FINISH them before starting any new bags
3. Get out the sketchbook and draw designs for applique
4. FINISH the half made brooches
5. Book a stall at a local village market
6. Research local craft fairs for summer
Hmmmm...do-able? Well, now I have gone public I had better get on with it.