As I have been having problems aligning my text with the right photos when I do these updates I have tried something different - do you like the text on photo? Does it fool you into thinking I am a computer whizz? (Probably no real computer whizz would use that expression)
September 15th - Pink and white stripey t shirt again and Me made Clothkits skirt with traffic jam print.
September 16th - Me made duvet top, charity shop jeans, sorry for poor picture quality. The eagle eyed among you will notice an omission - 14th September...sorry I didn't manage to get a picture though I was in Me Made clothing honestly.
I was at the beginning of the week in a bit of a slump and feeling a tad downheartened with my crappy photos, geeky face, and lack of good photo backgrounds. But I have picked up a bit now and stopped feeling sorry for myself. My house is a tip because I am concentrating on making trousers....watch this space.