Thursday mornings are "Tots tennis" with Little I so I need to wear something I can run around the sports hall in and comfortably sit down without showing my knickers. This is a community tennis programme where we only pay £1 each week. Isn't that a bargain? I hope it won't be cut in the current climate of funding cuts. Little I is quite a sporty girl and likes going to tennis. Sometimes she even manages to hit the ball. Cue great excitement and high fives.
I am very tired at the moment. Reasons why? After christmas flu, I have had three colds. Most recently one caught from Mr Minnado.
So does anyone have any tips for getting some energy? I have started trying to eat more healthily (I am vegetarian). I have read some articles recently about raw food diets and how after a few days of feeling crap you suddenly feel great, have loads of energy and lose inches round the waist! I don't really have time to do completely different diets for me and the rest of the family. I have been trying to eat more raw food, more seeds and nuts. But I have to confess that all fell by the way side in half term when we went to visit my mum.
Anyway, I need some help: Should I be eating raw food, no dairy, more dairy, less bread, more bread, taking supplements. Should I do less or should I exercise more?? Should I give up coffee (NOOOOOOO...) I did make to the gym one day last week and I did feel better for 24 hours afterwards. I have to confess I find the actual gym a bit boring though. This is a commuity run gym for women only and is only on a friday afternoon and a monday morning. It is a bit of a squeeze timewise to get to, I have to leave Little I at preschool, go to gym for 45 minutes then leave with just enough time to change and get to pick T up from school. I am not certain if this is a good thing to keep doing as I hate all the rushing to get around everything. Bonus of this gym is that it is affordable. But I am tempted to just use my spare hour on fridays to do some sewing!